You deserve a goal or own goal

Liverpool 3 Wigan 0.. what a superb performance according to fitt.. malam minggu lepas aku tak tengok game tu sebab ada mayat so takkan nak suruh tuan rumah buka tv or aku pi layan kat kedai mamak? heheh... so fitt hantar msg "hahahaha" and wonder what is "hahahaha" was? then reply balik tanya mcmana? then fitt bals balik kata Peter Crouch score his 1st goal for Liberpul... hahaha... then gua oso gelak then fitt hantar lagi satu msg kata dia score second goal and satu lagi msg kata Garcia plak score... wtf? ampehhh... time aku tak layan libepul bleh score 3 bijik plak tuhh... then pagi ahad aku layan football extra and tengok semua goal libepul and the 1st one is claim as own goal by Pollit (Wigan's goalkeeper)? what that one is kira sebagai own goal? hello? if striker score long range and keeper tepi and masuk dekat penjuru tu dikira sebagai goal oleh striker tersebut so Peter Crouch oso try from long range but deflected kena defend Wigan and keeper try tepis but termasuk dalam gol sendiri dikira sebagai own goal... so poor Crouch.. 2 goals from you but only count satu saja... but ok laa.. lepas ni dia boleh tidoq lena and buat kenduri doa selamat.. heheheh... by the way Rabu ni lawan Chel$si.. hope Crouch boleh score lagi by head or by foot or by chest? :P
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